Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Rosa Sugrañes

“I could say that my life is divided in 2 parts: Before Patrick and from Patrick on…

Sometimes he has been my brother, sometimes my father …sometimes my mother… sometimes my son… but above all he has been my teacher… my dear teacher….

In all those years (15 years since I met him) I have never seen him judging anybody….I have never seen him stressed or anxious….always with a smile in his face…. always with something to give ….every day….I have seen the sensibility, the patience and the compassion that he has with everybody he interacts…I have never seen him with pride or feeling superior…even though he is super smart, eloquent and wise… his teachings are based on his own experience and he only teaches what he has experienced within himself….and the most important thing that I have seen is the deep love and dedication that he offers to everyone that has been placed in his care.

I have met lots of people over the years literally changing their lives and transforming in ways never imagined… just because they met him and decided to try his teachings.

I have learned so many things from him that it would be impossible to summarize in this testimonial …But I will tell you that I went from an empty and sad life to a life full of purpose and inspiration and that I have never felt more alive and well than now…

He has taught me that the only way to live is in total alignment with the Divine and that the union of the mystical and the practical is possible.

He has shown me how to connect with the Divine, he has helped me release my old conditioning and beliefs, things that didn’t serve me and that they were keeping me from living a fully inspired live…. He has guided me in my personal path of letting go of attachments and judgement ….in order to be always in the energy of love …..of unconditional love….in which he himself lives.

And…because I am a work in progress, I continue to be very engaged in this path of total transformation and feeling very grateful that I can count on Patrick to keep guiding me.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Adriana Chimiel

September 10, 2023

“How to describe what it means to develop a more intimate relationship with the Divine? Working with Patrick and his teachings is being gifted a decoder ring to life's biggest questions.

Patrick's impeccable clarity illumines the veils that stand in the way of living our fullest, most joyful life. He exudes generosity and role models what radiant love can feel like for every human who makes that choice. Joy, connection, and vast love have expanded in every part of my life.

To have a relationship with the Infinite, to see as the Infinite, and to be an offering to Life is something I thought I should never dare ask for- and now is gifted to me every day. My deepest longing has been answered- to sense my own mistruths and release them into the field of all that is possible, to allow the mystery of life to be my teacher, and to fall in love with every part of myself.

I have come to understand that to be a devotee of the Light is also to live life to its fullest. There is no separation between learning from Grace and answering my deepest calling. Each step along this path brings the joy and fulfillment I have always yearned for.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Catherine Tweedie

“When Patrick walked into the room during my first retreat, tears came into my eyes at the openness of his heart. Finally, I met a teacher whose integrity and passion mirrored my deepest longing for life.

While working with Patrick, either directly during retreat, or with his lovely field outside retreat, the path of my deepest longing has unfolded with great magnificence than I have ever imagined.

Everything that my heart and soul longed to be true, buy were afraid to acknowledge, has begun to blossom as I trust that “All is well” no matter what is happening. The more I look at the world with wonder, the more wonderous I am privileged to behold.

I am listening to the field of Everything with trust and gratitude and I feel the precision with which the world mirrors my inner state. My students, my colleagues, my partner can all feel the difference in me that manifest as a knowing, clarity, compassion and fluidity with life’s unfolding.

I make up songs and stories for my children with wilder abandon because I am here to enjoy myself fully and share that joy with people round me. Co-creating joy isn’t for after my to do list is done, but is the very life blood of my essence coming into form.

I didn’t fully believe there would be a teacher I would love and trust so wholeheartedly.

When Patrick says he will support the pursuit of Truth and Reality with “whatever it takes” my heart joices. Anyone who says their teaching, lineage, practice, is the answer is in judgement and is disappointing in myb heart that has always longed for a love that is wholehearted and undivided in any way.

Since working with Patrick the sacred text of all ages have begun to shine more transparently of the united truth they are pointing to.

Patrick is the real deal, the teacher in fantasied about finding with reading “The life of a yogi” or “ Daughter of fire”.

My heart radiates boundless love and gratitude, something couldn’t have said without triggering myself, before working with Patrick.

With all my heart.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Cathy Quinland

“Dear Patrick,

Thank you for a wonderful inspiring week.

The last time I saw Papaji, he told me to open my heart. Two nights ago you told me I was all heart. Thank you for seeing that in me so I could recognize it in myself with a grateful heart. The week before retreat the picture of Papaji disintegrated, there is no more image. I don’t know what that means, if indeed, it does mean anything. I was concerned about this, but I no longer am.

I still become nervous when talking with you face to face, but it is getting better!!

I love and appreciate all you do for each of us.

My hope is to carry a little part of you into the world.

With deepest respect, love and appreciation


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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Michael Jaro

October 20, 2023

“To all souls of heart mandala.

This week with Patrick has deeply impacted my identity to see from the loving light of the heart of God and heart of the universal intelligence.

In seeing with the eyes of the loving light, the heart of the loving light, the programs that are deeply embedded in the karmic nervous system, such as feeling unwanted, not feeling seen, fundamenyly feeling I am wrong and at fault.

These conditions of my soul have been embraced by the light. The Light is my fundamental nature, and in its inclusion of my karmic knots, those knots have been unwinded, so that the Presence of this loving light is received and more radical shift, I am the light that is loving and intelligent.

This guidance is now more open and flowing.

The other healing is the seeing my devotional -bhakti heart, that the longing for the beloved, now brings the beloved home inside my body, heart and minds.

All conditions in my soul and others are held, included and respected for who they are, conditions that are part of the light and lose their fixity. In Patrick unique expression of the seeing that in the darkness is the Light.

I stand taller today that in the knowing and felt sense that I Am a part of the Unity miracle field of Love and so is everyone and all of nature. Darkness and Light are no longer polarized. The Unity of Spirit and matter, formless and form brings a great smile to my heart. And the possibility to teach others at the level of the vibration of heart.

Thank you, Patrick, and all who are playing the work in Mexico.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah


“A huge learning is that I look at myself through the lens of the other. That I have been programmed as a child to tune myself to my environment, now verbal expectations. That my acceptance by my tribe was attuned to my accepting their beliefs and my loyalty to them. My intention now is to see myself thought the lens of love to seek for my love in the eternal light. To come home to me.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Erika de la Peña

“I live in a land of Wonder.

Thank you for the invite to be part of the Mandala of the Heart!

I am in!

Please reserve my spot!

All there is to do is smile with the heart with enough power to be contagious at every level possible. People make rules to bend them or break them in order to navigate in the world of polarization, well not to forget we are having a physical experience in the body. Some tend to forget all is vibration as a result of the power of focus with the unbendable and unbreakable rules of the Universe?

I have some ideas…

I can tap creativity very easily.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah


“I am not sure what to write. Lack of love and care and attention let me to develop patterns of behavior not beneficial to my having a life of my own.

I am determined to feel what is the veil that keeps me from empowering my complete freedom.

I do believe in miracles. Bless you and all who have participated in this field of love.

Thank you, God, for what you’ve given me, for what you have taken away and for what left me with. They are all your Love.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Terri Karris

“How has this work impacted me?

What am I receiving?

I am trusting that you will feel my essence in these words- without having to carefully craft them and wait a couple of days to respond, so that I can have a more “polished “ response.

I am grateful to feel less separate, less alone. I helps to know that I can ask for and receive guidance and love from the Divine Mother. Having lived without having a felt sense of God, of the Divine, it’s world changing to begin to feel myself as a part of the whole, as the light. I am beginning to see more consciously with the eyes of the heart. I feel the protections around my heart softening.

I am now curious how to more consciously create my life and how to unwind the habits of victim consciousness and making myself and other wrong and making myself small.

I feel excited about the unfolding process of expansion and opening to more Joy.

It is life changing to live based on attending to frequency and vibration, rather than effort and doing. My new mantra: rest, rest, rest. Receive.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Jane Lazar

My programing about my programing has dissolved so that now I know that a program can be gone in a wink. In this case, is my “I am alone” program.

I have never before experienced a field of love like this. I wouldn’t have believed it. It is so easy to be deeply with the others here and so I don’t want to leave. Being deeply open, vulnerable, sharing, authentic, is my home.

I had held the possibility, due to ongoing emotional pain, of taking my life 5 or 10 years from now. Hearing that that would not end my pain, I dropped that idea instantly. I can feel now, being all in, well it’s as if it plugged a hole in my energy system, and I feel my increased life force.

I shared with the group dissatisfaction, frustration with who I am in life vis a vis my offerings. One thing he said was to change my life. I needed to love unconditionally right now. Ok, I thought, that’s a big order. How? Then there was a sound bowl session. The words, you must hold your life as precious, appeared. And I saw that I was part of the fabric of life. To look negatively at my life would be a disservice to everyone and to life itself. I am part of the weave and holding that part with any distain is like a kink. Seeing this, realizing its truth, the kink instantly came into harmony and flow. It could be seen as an instant upgrade to my self-esteem.

This is more, but perhaps this is enough for now.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Anna Luisa Ugalde

“Lo más importante que me dio este retiro es la confianza del amor de Dios, de nuestra Madre Divina.

Esa confianza me dio la entereza, determinación y valor de afrontar uno de mis más profundos miedos: entrar en la oscuridad y entender como esa oscuridad es en realidad la luz divina

Y en esa luz, no solo era posible reparar, entender y sostener eso para mí, sino también se repara para mis ancestros y futuras generaciones.

Gracias Patrick que Dios te bendiga.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Freeman Douglas

“Patrick, you offer a clear strategy. Feel the pain. Be curious about it. Hold it in love. Watch it change. I have practiced enough this week to know through experience that it works.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Anthony de Andrade

“Dear Patrick,

Thank you for the profound retreat. Here some reflections for the garland:

  • Entering into a field drenched in a subtle by very tangible sacredness

  • A powerful transmission of the felt sense of the Divine and Mundane realms being one

  • A field of holding that enables the arising, sharing and unwinding of deep uncomfortable feelings often suppressed or avoided or simply not in awareness.

  • Great joy and lightness and fun

  • Filled with great intensity propelling one forward in a direction the heart longs for

  • A discovery of what the heart truly wants and brings the heart the most joy.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Hanna Sadtler

“Dear Patrick, for your heart mandala… I know I have been affected by this amazing retreat in many ways that remain a mystery to my conscious mind. Right now I’m aware (with a heart full of gratitude) of a deepened self-love and knowing of my essence. Yesterday as I traveled and today back at home I practiced connecting with my essence and letting my energy field be filled by it, and my heart is so uplifted by the calming, connecting effect that has on me and the friends and strangers I’ve interacted with. I am starting to really get that I contribute just by being me! How amazing to discover this! So much more room to breathe. Thank you for the life-changing gift of seeing and supporting my essence! I am full of joy and gratitude.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah

Ram Brown Crowell, Tiruvannamalai, India

“It has been my great privilege to know Patrick both inside and outside retreats since we met in India in 2017. Our connection has been muli-faceted in the context of the student-teacher relationship fundamental to true spiritual transformation in India, which I accepted. My father was emotionally absent and my love for a guru qua unconscious father figure was immature, needy and emotionally excessive, and thus psychologically inadequate to develop the intimacy and trust really required for a functional relationship with a teacher.

Even though I had lived in India for thirty years and sat at the feet of many great masters, because the tradition of Indian orthodoxy around teachers permits only a narrow range of emotional expression, I was never able to experience both the emotional and spiritual intimacy with a teacher my childlike heart longed for.

Patrick was secure enough in the integrity of his love not to need my emotional devotion to him, but he accepted the immaturity of my love admixed with my genuine devotion to God - something no Indian master could do -and between which I could not then discriminate. By letting my immature emotional devotion pass through him without ownership, criticism or rejection, while reflecting back my authentic devotion by his unconditional love of both, the frequency of true, impersonal love was transmitted to me, and I experienced the difference in my own heart.

The contrast revealed the innocent beauty and selfless nature of my own love that had been veiled by the needs and insecurities of my separative self, now freed from its thraldom. My heart’s expansion as it embraced Reality’s true Oneness of Being brought great joy and lightness of heart, that has reignited my intense, burning desire to be free (mumukshutva). No master could have given me a greater gift.”

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Ali Jazilah Ali Jazilah


November 10, 2023

“How do I explain what it means to develop a more intimate relationship with the Divine? Working with Patrick and his teachings is being gifted a decoder ring to life’s biggest questions. Patrick’s impeccable clarity illumines the veils that stand in the way of living our fullest, most joyful life. He exudes generosity and role models what radiant love can feel like for every human who makes that choice. Joy, connection, and vast love have expanded in every part of my life.

To have a relationship with the Infinite, to see as the Infinite, and to be an offering to Life is something I thought I should never dare ask for- and now is gifted to me every day. My deepest longing has been answered- to sense my own mistruths and release them into the field of all that is possible, to allow the mystery of life to be my teacher, and to fall in love with every part of myself.

I have come to understand that to be a devotee of the Light is also to live life to its fullest. There is no separation between learning from Grace and answering my deepest calling. Each step along this path brings the joy and fulfillment I have always yearned for.

I send my Love.”

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