Amy Elizabeth Fox, CEO of Mobius
“I've had the privilege of having Patrick as my central teacher for the last 18 months.
Patrick has been accompanying me in a profound, catalytic and very refined healing process and serving as a guide for me on an illumination path.
Patrick is a vast Seer: able to discern the deepest karmic knots in one's system and point one's attention where it matters most, across lifetimes. As such there are immediate degrees of freedom and wholeness made available through the clearing and initiatory process that his work provides. These integrations are palpable both in the resolution of big challenges in one's outer life and as an inner state of cultivated peace, permeation with the Divine and closeness to one's Soul Essence.
Patrick has a very sophisticated cartography of the journey to unity consciousness and guides groups through an awakening process full of beauty, love, safety and devotion.
Patrick is a rare mystic who can support individual awakening, build a tender, intimate and compassionate group field for transformational work and at the same time help elevate individuals to their highest possibility to serve life.
His entire journey has born the ferocity of one determined to meet life in its deepest dimensionality, know reality in its unvarnished Truth, and to chart a path for the widest restoration of the world.
He has a heart that is both generous and unflinching, a dazzling intellect that enables him to bring together wisdom from myriad inclusive sources, and a mission that inspires all who have the privilege to spend time with him.
His work is full of joy, aliveness and love. His discernment on the most meaningful dynamics of one's life process provide wisdom, clarity and in many cases resolution to the long held and seemingly intractable dilemmas and patterns that repeat over a lifetime. I cannot recommend working with Patrick in any manner possible highly enough to capture how profound and life changing a gift it has been for me and so many others. If you are ready to be guided by a teacher and touched to the center of your being this is such a unique opportunity for soul maturity.”
Guido Meardi, ex-Senior Partner, McKinsey and Co, CEO, V-Nova
"If you could make anything easier, what would it be?
Imagine what you could achieve if you could streamline life and harness your energy more effectively. Picture yourself effortlessly excelling not just as a professional, but also thriving as a parent, a spouse, a friend, and ultimately, as a happier individual. This isn't just a hypothetical scenario, it's the essence of Patrick Connor's unique approach.
Patrick is a beacon of enlightenment in an often confused world, with a key difference from those ethereal “spiritual” figures from a surreal dreamscape who seem to exist on a higher plane, detached from earthly concerns as if the material world was little more than a nuisance, a mere echo of deeper truths. Patrick instead does live in our world, and – firmly rooted in integrated reality, including scientific foundations familiar to quantum physicists – he teaches how to decode your conditioning and master your energy (as well as the universe’s) for the purpose of becoming more effective at interacting with the world and connecting with others, without any split between “spirituality” and immanent life. To see things clearly is neither spiritual nor material, it just makes sense.
There is so much more to Patrick than I can possibly mention in a few lines. He embodies a profound connection with the radiant Light that constructs our world. With perceptive eyes that truly see you, Patrick is a true master who inspires us to seize control of our life energy and learn the inner secrets of self-mastery.”
Linda Bonner, Bhatki
“It’s truly an honor and privilege to speak of the impact and influence of Patrick Connor’s presence and teachings on my life. After many experiences of what feels to be Divine intervention, I have grown to deeply trust that the Lord and Divine Mother truly guide my every step. One of those magical and mysterious moments occurred when I first met Patrick. My husband and I live in Tiruvannamalai in South India at the holy mountain of Arunachala not far from the ashram of Ramana Maharshi. So, one blessed day, out in front of the Ramana Ashram, he tapped me on the shoulder to tell me something and the love story began.
And it truly is a story of Love. My late Guru used to say that the great spiritual expressway is in the experiencing and expressing of love. And Patrick is the epitome of Love, like the Face of the Divine Mother herself. He reflects to us, the Love that resides in our own hearts. I have been so lucky this life to have antennae for purity or like a master jeweler, able to see the best quality of diamonds. it soon became clear to me that Patrick was one of these diamonds - whose thought, word and deed are unified in the highest qualities of purity, integrity, compassion, and love. His vibrational quality is a high resonance, and his Presence is filled with light, stillness and brilliance. My deep intuition knew this was a being I could trust and be completely receptive to. So in trust and open-ness, I took his teachings to heart and they have transformed me. It was the key that I had been looking for. My spiritual life has been eclectic - feeling quite at home in Bhakti Marg (Devotional Paths) and Jnana Marg (Wisdom Paths). No matter what the orientation, i knew there were separative self-identifications holding me back from complete surrender to my own Self, to the Lord. I also tried all sorts of psychotherapeutic models and somatic work to get to the subconscious material, imprints from lifetimes. Nothing felt comprehensive and global enough to get to everything that was holding me back from opening the heart completely in its fullness of Love.
Through Patrick’s initiations, meditations, transmissions, and visualizations, one is given glimpses and experiences of one’s Divine nature and the Light is brought down into every part of the being. With the cultivation of strong intention and confidence in Light being our nature, we then can bring up, hold, transmute the deepest, most painful separative self-material. What we see and feel can be healed. As more and more light come into every part of the being, the recognition dawns that even the most dark places are made of light. It’s an alchemical process of transformation. This is a ‘in a nutshell’ version of his teachings when in fact they are rich in subtlety and nuance. The orientation is towards more and more self-acceptance and love, patience, joy and happiness and to express this to the World.
The 6 years with Patrick have molded me into quite a different being. After all these years of seeking, doing sadhana and sitting at the Holy Feet of my Gurus, I finally feel like I have come home to my Self, more consistently and stabilized than ever before. So much of the childhood and perhaps lifetimes of trauma have been brought into the light and healed and the fear of the unconscious material is no longer here. I welcome it, so that all of me can be seen and healed, accepted, and embraced. I’m a work in progress, no doubt, and there’s still more of the mountain to climb, but I’m taking these last steps with a tangible light-heartedness, ease, confidence and joy. The over-riding feeling is one of immense gratitude for this luminous, brilliant, loving being, Patrick Connor, who is with us all in this moment of profound change on the planet. The world needs him!”
“I arrived, ripe for transformation, with a stuckness that had persisted for over three years (or a lifetime...or longer...). The loving presence that Patrick offered me simply and quickly and effortlessly dissolved this stuckness and I was left with a peaceful presence, fully embodied. This is unlike anything that I have experienced before. I am deeply grateful.”
Mike Bennett
“Patrick is a voice of knowledge, a catalyst for courage, a calling for the deepest part of you that years to dance with joy and needs a song to dance to. His presence and being breathes life to the beautiful self we know we can be and the majestic self we inevitably are already. For you own soul's sake, trust yourself enough to spend time with this loving teacher.”
Further Poem: The Transmutation
Dig my child into the depths of your being, looking for the clutter, the cobwebs, the scary darkness and the weighted memories that crowd and block out the light.
Find them with boldness, open each door, facing into the terror of knowing.
Gather up your strength and courage, the trembling in your body the sign of divine assistance rippling through you.
Look boldly to see them, reaching into the awful places, touching the foul, embracing the stench of the corners and caverns where rot has dripped in.
And grab that black, hold it, fully embrace it for now.
What once was golden has rotted, its beauty given to the unkind ripening of memory aged by the pain and fear that you could not once handle
This blackness was goodness, and maybe brought again, for it remains beautiful inside, as much a source of energy and light as you need.
Imagine if all the blackness was joy waiting to be released? The energy of your soul which has been impurified by neglect and hiding.
Take that blackness and bring it to the sapphire fire of the divine
The healer’s purifying flame, fuelled below by the sea of goodness that is all the angels ever lived including your own soul and intensified above by the unyielding brilliant sun of God
And let that blackness cook over the divine flame of love, its matter evaporating and releasing such a sweet aroma of joy that can be breathed in
That love vapor is now untapped, free to be ingested into your lungs to bring electricity to your heart.
You can breathe in this transmutation with confidence, having been aided divinely and know not only that you are filling of love but that this love has a divine stamp, a special signature that will remind you to keep looking for other blackness.
The purification is assured, the energy yours to have, if you are willing to do the digging.
Take heart dear child for the process is one of joy and light and gift and you with all of the creative wonder of your innocent heart are strong and worthy enough for it.
Yvonne Sum
“Thank you, Patrick, for an amazing, enlightening week of miracles in self-exploration and re-discovery of how we can draw on joy in releasing our blocks in the theatre of our daily lives. Thank you for showing that I am my priority, and that I can serve only through vibration in love, beauty, magic and joy...not in depleting myself in doing and simply problem solving. I am now illuminated to truly free my sprit to live more, love more, leave more.”
Janice Caillet
“Patrick's way of engaging in an insightful and soulful way touched my heart and my entire being (past and present). Thank you from ALL of Me.”
Sara Den Besten
“Joseph Campbell wrote, "It is a gift of a lifetime to be who we are." Working with Patrick and his teachings has been a remarkably efficient and powerful way for me to be more me and to unwind and release all the ways I leave myself.”
Catherine F.
“Patrick brings about a visceral connection- an embodied knowing of Light and Love that reaches beyond the cognitive and verbal. I am forever changed and deeply grateful.”
Michael J.
“I have worked with many mystical teachers over 40 years. Patrick's love and wisdom has opened my heart and body in a way that I can talk and walk living in love in a new way. Thank you, Patrick.”
“Patrick really listens to what people say. This is how he connects. He has a deep calm presence. His speech is calm and peaceful. He gives one hundred percent attention to the speaker. Deep, deep attention that connects to the heart of that person. He engages the person's field. He connects to their field.”
Prajna Hallstrom
“There are no words for how transformational this retreat with Patrick has been. In all my years on the spiritual path I have never sat with a teacher whose vision is the integration of the human and the spiritual; the vibration of trauma and the unconscious scripts that stand in the way of our fully experiencing Divine Grace. I feel so much gratitude to have spent the time in this healing field.”
Martine Cannon
“A million blessings come via this being. I blow down to hum for the discoveries I made this week. With gratitude and grace for all you are and what you serve Patrick. Thank you.”
Diana Chambers
“Patrick is an impeccable teacher, healer and guide—profoundly practical, generously invitational, and radiantly present. I am grateful beyond words.”
Patricia Zomber
“Patrick offers a rare combination of practical wisdom and deep attunement to dimensions of Being that support optimal healing and expansion. His embodiment of unconditional love inspires essential trust and willingness to perceive relationship strategies that once served a protective purpose yet have become barriers to fulfillment and joy. My work with Patrick has transformed me, connecting me with self love, soul purpose and Truth, previously unimagined yet within me all along. Gratitude knows no bounds.”
Belen Cristino
““Un Ser de la Luz
Conocí a Patrick en el año 2009 en Miami, Florida, y desde entonces ha sido mi maestro, amigo y guía en mi camino de descubrimiento personal, mi camino hacia la Luz. Nunca tuve ningún profesor o mentor que me mostrara con tanta paciencia y cariño como explorar mi vida interior, como conectar con lo más profundo de mi alma y como abrirme a la bondad del Espíritu, y a la Madre Divina, sin miedo, sin juzgamiento, sin prisa y sin pausa, y sin dogmas culturales o religiosos.
Su entusiasmo por ayudar a descubrir la esencia interior que todo los seres humanos tenemos, en lo más profundo de nuestro corazón, es contagioso e infinito. Su fuerza, coraje, vitalidad, sentido del humor, y amor incondicional, siempre me han motivado e impulsado a seguir adelante y a no dejar de buscar la verdad de mi esencia, a pesar de los múltiples retos personales, dudas, cuestionamientos, miedos y dificultades financieras o profesionales a los que me he enfrentado en mi vida. De Patrick he aprendido sobre todo a valorar y a disfrutar de las cosas más sencillas, y a apreciar la ternura de mi corazón. Él me esta enseñado a honorar mi dones y virtudes, la sinceridad, honestidad y franqueza, como valores clave en la vida del ser humano.
Me ha mostrado día a día con muchísima paciencia y constancia, y adoptándose siempre a mi nivel de consciencia en cada etapa, un sendero de amor para quererme y respetarme más, a mí y a los demás. Sendero que sigo caminando día a día con asombro, jugando, explorando y con la inocencia y candor del niño. Él me ha acompañado en esta aventura mostrándome, más allá de la ciencia del conocimiento, conceptos científicos, intelectuales o psicológicos, sus experiencias vitales, revelaciones y todo lo que ha aprendido de la vida y las relaciones humanas. Un camino donde la Belleza interior y nuestro poder de crear nuestro presente constituye el pilar de la felicidad en este mundo como seres humanos. Un camino donde la Belleza y autoestima sana. Un camino donde “lo que Crees Creas”.
Con su ejemplo de todos estos años, he empezado a entender que el poder de creación reside en mí, que “ yo puedo Crear lo que Soy, y Ser lo que Creo”. Y que soy libre de escoger en cada momento lo que quiero creer. Me enseñó herramientas para deshacer los condicionantes mentales y emocionales más arraigados, todo el bagaje de ideas, o creencias que me han hecho sufrir en mi vida y en mis relaciones, y que yo era incapaz de ver por mí misma.
Y sobre todo, Patrick nunca muestra ningún interés intrínsicamente personal, ni espera nada a cambio, no tiene ningun apego o propósito material, y lo hace tan solo por el gozo de ayudar y de amar. Por su pasión por servir a la humanidad. Nunca le escuche juzgar a nadie y a nada. Su grandeza de corazón es abrumadora. Su generosidad es impactante y su entusiasmo imparable. Su capacidad para escuchar a los demás y dejarse guiar por la pureza del corazón y el plan Divino no deja de inspirarme y sorprenderme al día de hoy. Nunca le vi cansado de vivir. Diariamente sigue explorando las vicisitudes de la vida, con el afán de encontrar una nueva herramienta para hacer el camino de descubrimiento interior más fácil, alegre y accesible para todos. Su vida está plenamente entregada a la gloria de Dios y a la Madre Divina, sin condición alguna, y, al mismo tiempo, plenamente integrado en el mundo terrenal. Él es un instrumento de la Vida misma y de la Luz que le guía en el mundo. Todo su Ser esta entregado a Dios, al Universo y a la expansión de la consciencia del ser humano. Y sigue aprendiendo de la vida con humildad.
Patrick es mi inspiración diaria para seguir descubriendo que yo Soy un Ser de la Luz, que puedo brillar y radiar infinitamente la pureza del Universo y del Espíritu, y ser, sencilla y grandiosamente, Feliz. Como él dice, “Dios no está completo sin la esencia y la luz radiante de cada persona”. El poder de la intención mueve montañas. La belleza de su corazón es palpable y se refleja en todos nosotros.
Le estaré eternamente agradecida por toda la dedicación, apoyo y amor a este alma, y por enseñarme el auténtico camino hacia la Madre Divina y a Dios. Gracias infinitas Patrick, todos y cada uno de los días de mi vida.”
Sven Petersen
“Once received, Patrick’s transmission reverberates in one’s body like a frequency that has the power to shatter the ego like glass. He creates a unique atmosphere within which one is made aware of the ultimate choice of stepping into one’s change and transformation.”
Jason Gore
“Working with Patrick, I saw a clearer path to create more love, joy and gratitude in my life. He was able to convey very deep lessons in ways that I could access through my body and heart. Being with him for a week, I could more clearly see the beliefs that were getting in the way of me feeling love, and how easy it is to make new choices. I left with greater and more consistent access to myself and to all the resources that have always been readily available. Patrick’s humility and message was so consistent and deeply felt that it really had the lessons stick in a very deep way.”